14 more sleeps
Reason #14
You'll get to go abseliing. Conquer your fear of heights or conquer your record of the least amount of jumps down the wall. Your knees will wabble and your adrenaline wll pump!!!
There are ONLY 14 more sleeps till camp. THATS 2 WEEKS. 2 weeks people. Still plenty of room for people on camp. Please get your rego's in ASAP. If you're thinking about coming on camp and haven't put your form in yet... do it NOW!
TRT Teddy Episode #9
get involved crew! 2 weeks to go!
ive heard that James Veltmeyer will eat a piece of toast on the first morning for each camper, over 80 campers, that come on TRT this year. if camp is full that means 24 bits of toast!
with love,
Glass half full
3:36 pm
haha love this teddy video.
but dont worry to all who were wondering.
on camp we dont actually abseil with he rope hanging from our necks.
only if your a teddy.
gah. im too too excited about camp.
hooray 14 sleeps.
4:50 pm
i heard james does the 24 peices of toast doing push ups with a camper on his bacK!!!
7:27 pm
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